Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My great grandparents generation VS my generation.

I feel very privileged to have know 5 out of 8 of my great grandparents.  They lived long health lives for the most part.  When I think about them I always think about words like spunky and vivacious. These were people who lived their lives to the fullest.  And they never slowed down until their bodies gave up on them.  They didn't die of diseases, they died of old age.  They were farmers who lived off the land.

Now contrast this to my grandparents generation.  People of this generation are dying of terrible disease.  They retire and watch TV most of the day.  They are told that getting old should feel terrible like they do.  Aches and pains and disease are just part of life as you age.

Even worse then that look at my generation.  We are told that we are the laziest generation.  We are told that we have no work ethics.  We are told that being overweight, sick and tired is just part of life.  30 year olds are living on energy drinks just to get through the day. We are slaves to our DVR's and La-Z-Boy's.

Is this our fault?  I don't think so. We have been set up to fail.  We eating foods that are causing inflammation in our bodies.  Giving us disease earlier and earlier.  We are malnourished and overfed, making us feel like crap all the time.  Our government has allowed our food to become politics and then recommend that the majority of our calories come from the least nutrient dense sources.  It's perfectly acceptable in this day to eat cereal, milk and toast for breakfast. The majority of the vitamins from this meal are fortified, added back to the nutrient-less food to make you feel like you are having a healthy breakfast. The food guide that is recommended to us wants you to get the most servings of your day from grains, most of which have to be fortified to be "nutritious".

It's time to start living like our great grandparents again.  Get rid of the processed foods, and live off the land again.  Even if you can't have a farm, eat like you do.  Eat mostly pastured raised animals, eggs from chickens that eat bugs, and organic local fruits and veggies.  Have liver and onions like your grandparents did.  Eat the whole animal like they did. Spend time as a family cooking dinner together instead of time watching tv together. Don't be afraid to spend a little money on that which sustains your body.  (We spend less on food then any other generation before us!) And see that you can feel like they did.  Health, spunky, and vivacious well into your 90's.

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