Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Paleo Perks.

Everyday we talk about the amazing things that are different with this "diet", as opposed to the MANY others we have tried.  And I do mean many diets.  We had a habit (ok I had a habit) of reading diet books or finding something online and trying them out.  We would do really well on any one diet for about 6 weeks.  At 6 weeks we started getting a little lax when we were out or rewarding our self with a treat.  Then would get on the slippery slope back to the way were eating with too much fast food and not planning our meals at home.  Before long we were back to the standard american diet (SAD).

This time it has been completely different.  We haven't had slips.  We get annoyed when a situation comes up that we have to eat out, and we always make the best choice.  There is not even a temptation to have a treat of ice cream or french fries. This is just how we live now.

Another odd thing about this is that on most other "diets" we would lose a bunch of weight the first week. Then less and less.  We would find a plateau in there that would last for a while.  This time there has been no plateau.  We didn't drop a huge number and then wait for the weight loss again.  We have just had a steady weight loss.  And a good amount every week too.

Those are the two big ones.  Some of the other things I have noticed are things like steady blood sugar.  We can fast or go a long time without eating without getting crazy hungry or having spikes or dips of blood sugar.  My hair is growing like crazy.  Less body aches.  Better skin.

I've already mentioned things like having more energy, filling satisfied, and not having cravings. I also love the idea of Paleo total health.  Things like sleep are stressed.  Playing and sunshine are so critical.  And Paleo exercise doesn't mean slaving away at the gym all the time.  

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