Monday, October 22, 2012

Taking the next steps.

After learning and implementing the paleo basics into your life it's time to take the next steps.

The first crazy paleo thing to do, I'd say, is start making your own gut healing bone broth.  We make bone broth almost once a week in the slow cooker.  We collect our bones from the week plus buy some especially for our broth and then stick it in the slow cooker with some onions, garlic, celery, carrots, peppercorns, apple cider vinegar (to help release the minerals) and whatever else we have in the fridge to use up.  I will know you are doing it right when you become obsessed with getting it more gelatinous each time you make it.  And then you will start buying odd things like chicken backs, chicken feet, marrow bones and oxtails for your broth.  We often drink our broth at night, it's very relaxing.  Or we use it to make soups and stews or in any recipes that call for stock or broth.  I give it to Max to drink in his sippy sometimes. We make sure to drink it like crazy if we start feeling sick or get a gluten exposure.

Then next thing to do start fermenting.  We started by making homemade raw sauerkraut.  It took ours about 3 weeks to finish.  We try to eat it daily.  I usually have it with my eggs for breakfast.  We tried the traditional  recipe with caraway seeds and the roasted jalapeno and garlic recipe first.  We are just about to start our next batch of the fall recipe.  I hope in the coming weeks to start some new fermenting projects including kimchi, pickles, water kefir and kombucha.

The next odd step that we plan to take is to eat liver and other organ meats.  That's right we bought grass-fed beef liver.  We plan to mix it with ground beef and make burgers.  Liver is better for you then almost any other meat you can eat they say.  It's better than taking a multivitamin.  Of course it is something that I have never eaten before.  But I'm excited to add more superfoods to our diet.

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