Friday, September 7, 2012

6 Weeks.

We are just about to finish up our first 6 weeks being "Paleo".  I thought when we started this that we would just be doing this for 6 weeks to "jump-start" our weight loss and then go back to the "healthy" eating we have always known.  However we are never turning back to that way of life that hadn't been working for us. It only took us probably 2 and a half weeks to figure out this was the way we wanted to live.

When I first looked into Paleo I thought it was so restrictive.  I never imagined that why whole grains, Greek yogurt, low-fat cheese, beans and the like could be so bad as to restrict them forever.  These are things we had been programmed to think are health foods.  I was one of these people who had to eat some grains in my day or I got grumpy.  If I had a salad for lunch then snack better be some Triscuits or I might go crazy.  And I will be honest day 3 was my carb hell.  I was jumping out of my skin with "withdrawl".  But when I woke up day 4 it was gone, and I haven't had any problems with carb cravings or anything.  

Once we figured out the science of this it really made perfect sense.  But once we realized how much more energy we had, how satisfied we were and how easily the weight was falling off we were sold.  And then came the day that Josh had some gluten.  That was the light bulb moment of it all.  Josh has a very large gluten problem.  Very large.  He feels like this has been a problem his whole life.  Never feeling satisfied when he ate because he wasn't absorbing nutrients, so his body was calling for more all the time.  I also have an insensitivity but not near as bad as he does.  (I'm also convinced that most people have at least some degree of insensitivity.)  Josh will be the first to tell you that he feels like a totally different person as far as energy levels and being satisfied when he eats.

All of this knowledge makes it such an easy choice to eat for health and energy for the rest of our lives.  No more dieting.  No more trying to figure out what works for us.  We have found it.  And losing an average of 4-5 lbs a week doesn't hurt either.


  1. I'm excited to see how Jeremy and I will feel at six weeks! I can already see a difference when I look in the mirror and it's only been a week! :)
